Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Survive Sequestration: Lift Big, Run Long

      I am bewildered by pundits' recent analysis on sequestration.  Pundits from both the Left and the Right argue the repercussions of such fiscal folly.  Republicans revel that sequestration did not immediately damage the economy.  Democrats insist that projected monetary harms will destroy an already ailing economy.  All the while, stockbrokers on Wall Street rally the Dow Jones above previous market highs.  Frankly, I don't think politicians, economists, or pundits have a clue why sequestration didn't assail the country in notably, predictable ways.  Not a comforting notion.

      As America traverses uncharted social, political, and economic territory, each citizen ought to expect the unexpected.  An economy dependent on psychology and not fiscal science, a government dependent on partisanship and not principle, a society dependent on instant gratification and not posterity, injects unavoidable volatility into our everyday lives.  While sequestration may not have delivered the doomsday consequences Democrats wanted us to believe it would, it will surely carry more tragic results than Republicans would concede.

      As the military continues to suffer deep, bias cuts in the wake of sequestration, politicians sanctify fiscally weightier entitlements like social security and medicare (which individually outspend our annual defense budget).  What does this mean?  A country unable to support its constitutional obligation to common defense, must determine how it will safeguard its national sovereignty.  Don't want to support a professional military man to do that for you?  No problem.  I have a few suggestions.

      America, it's time for you to start lifting big and running long.  Want to know how others are safeguarding your entitled lifestyle?  Want to know why it's possible for you to receive your federally unconstitutional "rights" to social security, medicare, or universal healthcare?  Let me enlighten you.  It's because servicemen and women voluntarily deploy to the world's cesspools to secure the nation's most vital diplomatic and economic assets.  These folks earn a simple but sufficient compensation to operate the country's most sophisticated equipment and maintain the nation's most tenuous alliances.  Life at the tip of the sword (and beyond) requires these service members to be elite, professional, and ever-resilient.  Unprecedented tactical prowess did not stumble upon America.  It was sacrificed for...  sacrifices from an all-volunteer military yielding unparalleled camaraderie, tradition, and expertise.

      Many of these fine service members go above and beyond to prepare themselves for the crucibles their country may require them to endure.  Most will adopt strenuous mental and physical routines demanding the entirety of their effort.  All the while, like any other humble American citizen, they will kiss their spouse on the cheek, tuck their children into bed, and balance their checkbook.  Then, they will lace up their boots, and prepare to lift big and run long.

      Want to survive a sequestration that indiscriminately reduces our military's ability to train, equip, and man the world's preeminent superpower?  Get tough like a service member.  Lift big and run long.