As red and blue candidates (and a few indies) make their final bandstand for office, today, the American people have to wonder, "Will anything really change?" National politics continue to take center stage as the popular media sensationalizes marijuana legalization, a vague war on women, and a semi-pseudo-probably-unlikely economic recovery. Pull the string on the back of these candidates, and they'll spout whatever company line their respective party is delivering. The puppeteering is just asinine.
Here's the bottom line up front: nothing is going to change.
Until America elects candidates of character, the country's tailspin will continue. These are five ugly truths that Americans won't hear today.
1) Spending will continue to increase. With the national debt approaching $18 trillion and the national debt to GDP ratio exceeding 100%, young Americans face a certain, terrifying truth. Their country will stay in debt FOREVER. Unfunded federal liabilities, such as social security, will eventually get the axe. Hardworking, young Americans will remain a slave to national debt. Maybe we should be talking about passing a budget this year?
2) Border security will not be resolved. With an ever-growing hispanic and latino population residing within the United States, red and blue politicians eager to court this voting demographic will stonewall this debate indefinitely. Serious dialogue on immigration reform does not exist in this country. Lots of lip service, but no substance. The ugly truth is that politicians are not willing to wager the political capital necessary to secure our national borders.
3) Social security will stay mismanaged. This is shocking, right? Social security, which is bankrupt and merely leveraged from the contributions of America's working youth, will continue its idiotic existence. Not only will America's youth suffer a lifetime of bondage to its country's national debt, it will also forfeit any reasonable future receipt of social security. Worst Ponzi scheme in America. Working Americans face the sour truth that their hard-earned dollars will continue to fund an unsustainable entitlement program.
4) Obamacare won't be repealed. Much ado about nothing, here. Even if reds take control of the House and Senate during the mid-term election, POTUS will block any chance at repeal. This is the proverbial train wreck that onlookers cannot look away from. The exasperating truth is that the Obamacare train is coming to America... in slow motion... with the full weight of another highly leveraged and economically unsustainable federal entitlement program.
5) High unemployment remains with few jobs created. Quantitative easing is over. The Federal Reserve will begin raising key interest rates in FY '15. The 6-year money printing factory is closing. More expensive home, auto, and school loans will initially put a downward pressure on individuals' purchasing power. If the Fed couldn't manufacture jobs and income growth when it was nearly free to borrow money, what makes anyone think that businesses will miraculously provide more jobs when its costs more to levy the loans necessary for expansion? It's a hard truth to swallow... unemployment will stay high as job creation stalls under rising interest rates.
Have fun at the polls today, America. Take comfort in knowing that your vote matters in changing nothing. #Vote4Character #NothingChangesWithThesePoliticians